Monday, August 15, 2011

Susy's Birthday - the Sand Dunes!

Thursday was Susy's birthday and she wanted to do something fun with her kids, so we joined them and Christa Pentz and her kids and went to play on the St. Anthony sand dunes. We've taken the boys 4-wheeling there a couple of times, and Gary and Sue took them all to run around in the sand a few summers ago, but this time we went to a new spot and tried a new activity: sledding! That eventually turned into surfing. The simple fact that there are over 100 square miles of sand dunes here in Idaho, with no ocean nearby, amazes me. We all truly had a wonderful day. The cloud cover helped keep it from getting too hot, and the kids all got along and played so well. After the sand dunes, we went to the St. Anthony sandbar, a nice beach on the river, with a big tube slide, a diving board into a swimming hole, a sandy beach and a play structure. The kids LOVED this day!

Since we were over near Rexburg and Idaho Falls, we all had errands to run afterward. I had to pick up my new vacuum in Rexburg, then planned to go to Walmart - ugh. The kids were so hungry, that I had to stop for food. They were thrilled that I stopped at DQ and let them get food and blizzards!! Once settled in the car, with 3 happy kids, I decided that there was nothing I planned on getting at Walmart that I couldn't live without -- so we skipped it altogether - yay! We got home just in time to shuttle Corb for a pontoon float down the Teton. While he floated and fished, I took the kids over to the Greens for a fun visit.

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