Monday, August 15, 2011

A "Lazy" Weekend

After a full week, we didn't plan too much for the weekend. We ended up fitting in a lot of fun, while also feeling as if we kind of had a lazy weekend! Saturday morning, I biked down to the 5th Street Skatepark with Connor and Maggie, while Corb took Brady mountain biking up in Teton Canyon. As the kids scootered around the skatepark, people were setting up for an afternoon competition and concert. Connor was intrigued and wanted to return. So that afternoon, while we ran some errands (dump, grocery, etc), I dropped Connor at the skatepark to watch the events. When I returned to get him, he was not yet ready to leave and asked if I could just bring him his bike so he could ride home when he was ready. Wanting to encourage his independence, I agreed. When I got back with his bike, I found him happily watching the competition and eating a "Snowie!" He returned home about an hour later. While Connor was gone, Brady asked if he could ride downtown alone. The boys are feeling very independent and we are enjoying the opportunities they have here to explore a bit of freedom.

Saturday night, we gathered for dinner and swimming with a bunch of friends at Teton Springs - the Batchens, the Russells, the Wilcoxes, the Schmidts, the Browns, Laurie M's family, Jen H's family, and Carlen's family (yes, Heather and I wore the same dress!). It was a really fun evening, but we missed Corina who was sick. While I've spent time with most of my friends individually or in small groups, it was fun to gather together at least one time as a big group! Once again, the kids of course, had a blast!

On Sunday morning, after Lucie's birthday party (see earlier post), Connor biked back down to the skatepark. He took my phone and checked in regularly, and he loved having the place to himself on a Sunday morning! Later that afternoon, Corb set up the slackline for the first time this summer. All three kids enjoyed the new activity. And with plenty of down time, Brady picked up his BB gun again and practiced some target shooting out by the creek.

Maggie has been asking all summer if we can arrange for her to play with a friend named Scout, whom she remembered from school. I was finally able to arrange a visit on Sunday afternoon. Scout's grandmother brought Scout over around 2pm and had her older brother, Gus, along. Gus and Connor hit it off right away and Connor ended up going back to play at Gus' house - a spontaneous kid swap!

Sunday evening, Corbin took Brady on a canoe float and fishing trip down the Teton (Bates to Rainey). As they took off, I hoped for at least one catch! When we picked them up, Brady excitedly told me that he'd caught "a lot of fish." He hooked a big one (Corb said about 19") and fought it for awhile before he broke the line. That got the adrenaline going ... and after that Brady caught 4 more fish - a rainbow trout, a cutthroat, a brown trout, and a white fish. Corb calls it the "Teton Grand Slam!" A really good night.

As Connor, Maggie and I drove down to the river to pick up Corb and Brady, we watched the sunset, caught the alpenglow on the Tetons, and then watched as the full moon rose over the Tetons ... seriously, how can I ever leave this place?!

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